Many of you have probably heard of Hellocon aka Helsinki lolita convention, which is an annual lolita event held here in Finland! The event is one of the largest events dedicated solely on lolita fashion!
I have been part of the organisation team of Hellocon since the very first event four years ago, each year with more responsibilities and this year I am going to be head organizer to help out our other head organizer Jenni! Hellocon has crown enormously since the first event and I am truly amazed how far we have gotten since the first event! Hellocon has physically become so big we actually had to get a new venue for this year!!
Hellocon is the to go to event for Finnish lolitas as well as lolitas from our neighboring countries! It is also the best place for new comers to learn about the fashion and of course buy clothing. For me the reason why I am part of Hellocon is same why I originally founded Cloudberry Lady; to help the growth of lolita fashion and the community. I dare say Hellocon plays a huge role in bringing our community together! The whole organisation of Hellocon is a huge community effort from the organization team, volunteers and of course the fabulous people hosting program at Hellocon!
I am super excited with this years event with the amazing program we have prepared and of course our guest of honor that is a legend in lolita fashion: Baby the stars shine bright!
Ja vielä suomeksi! Hellocon eli Helsinki lolita convention tulee taas! Näin kun työn puolesta olen käynyt melkein kaikki isoimmat lolita tapahtumat läpi niin voin sanoa että Hellocon on yksi maailman suurimmista (ja parhaista :D ) lolita spesifeistä tapahtumista! Ja se on täällä Suomessa! Eli nyt kaikki kipinkopin liput ostamaan ettei mene tämä upea lolita tapahtuma sivu suun! Täältä löytyy ohjelmaa niin pidempään harrastaneille kuin jo vasta tyylin löytäneillekin, loistava tilaisuus myös tulla shoppailemaan se ihan eka lolita asu ja tutustumaan tyyliin tarkemmin! ;) Tämän vuoden kunniavieraana on lolita muodin legenda, aito ja alkuperäinen Baby the stars shine bright! Näin upeaa tapahtumaa ei kannata jättää väliin joten osta lippusi heti täältä: Nähdään Helloconissa! <3
We attended Frillfest in Gothenburg Sweden. It was my first to visit Gothenburg and I actually really liked the city, it may have been at is best since it was because summer time but non the less it was great weekend.
For the fashion show we had three looks and the models we got portrayed the looks wonderfully! Thank you for modelling for us!
In October 2015 was my first trip to America and I got to be a guest in an amazing alternative fashion event Rufflecon!
The event was great and I enjoyed my stay so much! The organisation stuff was so wonderful and my fairy gothmother took very good care of me during the event! <3
The event concept is a little bit different from European ones as it is three days event and the program lasts till midnight. Everyone stays in the same hotel so it's basically just one big lolita party everywhere! :D I met so many fantastic lolitas there and many many new friends! I hope to meet you all again sometime! <3
If you get a chance I definitely recommend going to Rufflecon and I would absolutely love to go there again myself!
For the fashion show I had a very clear vision in my head and rather than making the focus on individual looks I concentrated on creating the correct atmosphere. I got inspired by Finnish nature, by the dark forests and cold winter nights, and shamanism.
Here's the pics of the fashion show looks by Xin lolita photography and Kyoplay, thank you guys! <3 Our models were just fantastic and they did a great job portraying the characters! I was also really impressed by the work of the make up artists, they really helped alot creating the looks! Thank you everyone! <3
For music I chose Ulla Pirttijärvi's beautiful joik Jaerrat Biekkas, it set the atmosphere perfectly!
Lastly couple of my own outfits! First one is from the fashion show day and second is from the first day of the event.
I am one of the organizers of Hellocon and I have to say the 2015 event was really exhausting for us all. It suddenly grew bigger than we expected and our small theme of volunteered organizers worked so hard to make it all work out. And I guess in the end it did work out!
We had a bigger event than ever before, we had one of the biggest brands Angelic Pretty as our guest of honor, Grimoire, Baroque and many western lolita labels came as vendors and most important of all our visitors seemed to have great time!
Thank you everyone for your hard work and making this event happen! <3
Here are some pictures of our beautiful models wearing the Moonlight Dance-collection at Hellocon 2015! Pictures taken by the wonderful Sanni Siira.
And here is a video of the designers fashion show by Akari Hino! <3
Next hellocon will be held 18th-19th of June 2016! Go check out the guest of honor and other information at the Hellocon website!